Sapphire Whittaker is no ordinary thirty-something woman. For a start, her dreams have started to become reality. Meeting the mysterious “Fox” has turned her world upside down, a world suddenly full of magic, passion, dance, drugs, and danger. After moving to a new life in the countryside, she begins to realise that even the local village is not what it seems: everyone is up for a party and her name is on the door to enter a Wonderland she never knew existed. Sapphire begins to discover that whilst sleeping and dreaming she is able to travel to new dimensions and worlds. This magical ability to “dream travel” also becomes possible when she blows caution to the wind and tries a new kind of drug she has never experienced before. Sapphire is changing in ways she never thought were even possible, reality and fantasy becoming a crazy mix of adventure, madness, and mayhem. Enter her world and open your mind to the endless possibilities of dreaming. Sleep will never seem the same again!
Free on 31st Oct 14 - 2nd Nov 14
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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