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Free on 18th - 20th Mar 14
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End Lower Back Pain Today!

My chronic back pain issues go back almost 10 years. Sciatica, stiffness, burning sensations, and numbness: you name it, I had it. I dealt with this condition as best as I could for years. One day, my pain became so bad that I could barely stand up from a sitting position. Each time I went to stand, the shooting pain from my lower back down my right leg was so intense I would almost scream out in agony. I knew I had to get help, I couldn’t deal with this on my own any more.

After a number of doctor’s visits I was diagnosed with two herniated discs, advanced arthritis, sciatica, pinched nerves and a host of other back issues. I was a wreck, but I was determined to fix myself. I vowed to find ways to alleviate the pain without medications or surgery. I wanted to get rid of this pain without addictive pain meds or the surgery that so many of us in the Western world tend to favor too quickly.

This book was written for those of you who, like me, wanted to seek out solutions for their back problems without overly medicating yourself or having to resort to surgery.

A Preview of What You Will Learn:

You will learn, in detail, what the most common causes of back pain are and how to deal with them. I will walk you through the most common lower back pain issues, how to avoid them and how to get back pain relief. Here are some of the topics I cover in my book:

• Causes and Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

• Basic Remedies for Lower Back Pain

• Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements

• Chiropractic Care, Massage and Yoga

• Acupuncture and Hypnotherapy

Download your copy today and learn how to end your lower back pain today!

Tags: back pain, lower back pain, back pain relief, sciatica, back pain relief, lower back pain relief, sciatica relief, sciatica cure, back pain cure, back pain treatment, lower back pain treatment, yoga for back pain, severe back pain, how to relieve back pain, how to relieve lower back pain, stretching, back pain causes, chronic back pain, lower left back pain, lower right back pain, severe lower back pain, lower back pain exercises, severe back pain, lower back pain causes

Free on 18th - 20th Mar 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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