
Free on 4th Dec 16
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Fantasy, legend, myth, creation, saga, folklore and folktales, magic, mysticism and mythology all come together in this family saga. David, Son of Solomon, must save the world. But isn’t that asking a bit much of a boy? The stones and bones of Mother Earth will be needed if David is to have a chance in his quest to keep the Earth and its inhabitants safe from the evil sorceress, Alicia.

Now, stones & bones are part of our oral tradition. We find stones & bones in folktales, mythology, and religion. What people like about the oral tradition is the ability to change the story, each time you tell it.

The result is unique and entertaining. You recognise the story, but it’s different, unlike anything you have ever heard before. It’s like going into the kitchen on the day after Thanksgiving. You get a meal by making some unusual combinations: a pinch of salt here, a bit of sugar there.

I have taken stones and bones, stories and myths, folklore and tradition, a bit of religion, a pinch of love, a bit of travel, mixed it all up with an incredible long distance romance and built it up around a dynamic protagonist who you will either love to hate, or hate to love…

For dessert (yes, you get dessert too), there is also birth, rebirth, a battle for immortality and ultimate power to rule the world. It all comes down to the choices that an unlikely hero will have to make about who to trust, and who not to trust.

Finally, this book is dedicated to you, the reader. I hope you enjoy your story. These stones & bones, I humbly offer for your reading pleasure. Enjoy… Story Tellers have always told the stories of man’s pursuit of love, gold, power, and ultimately, happiness. In this book we meet a mythical storyteller, Solomon, his wife Lanisha, and his son David. Through their stories we follow the earliest fortunes and misfortunes of man’s attempt to achieve tremendous wealth, power and happiness. It is a story which will leave you wiser about the true meaning of true redemptive love, success, and joy…

Free on 4th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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