Dive into the enchanting tale of ‘Sunny’s Splashy Adventure: A Lesson in Listening.’ Follow the playful and mischievous baby dolphin, Sunny, as he embarks on a daring exploration of the vast sea, against the wise advice of his parents. Ignoring their warnings about the lurking danger of a formidable shark named Shadow, Sunny’s curiosity leads him into a heart-pounding chase. Amidst the rolling waves and shimmering blue waters, this children’s story beautifully illustrates the importance of heeding parental guidance and the strength of familial love. Join Sunny on his exciting journey of discovery, where he learns a valuable lesson that will stay with him for a lifetime.
Menosaurs - Tyrannosaur Droid Boy: Tyrannosaur Droid Boy
Princess Penny and the Whispering Tree: A Rhyming Children’s Book About Kindness, Acceptance, and Tr...
A Day of Pride: A Children's Book that Celebrates Diversity, Equality and Tolerance!
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