In a world of destruction and chaos caused by the taken—those who have been possessed by evil—young and gifted Nathan Wallace finds unexpected hope when he meets Miranda, a striking and uniquely gifted woman. They bring together a group of gifted and non-gifted alike, calling themselves Moligon warriors and fighting to restore the peace. Nathan comes to terms with being a Deglon—a very rare creature—as he learns about his origins, grapples with time travel and memory loss, and navigates a reality where he can commune with the dead. Dark secrets are revealed, long lost relatives are reunited, and lovers are torn apart in this epic Twilight meets The Walking Dead fantasy. Follow Nathan, his noble uncle, VolDon, and family as they journey to triumph over the evil forces that have taken hold of the world.
The Silence of Lir (Saga of the Spheres Book 1)
The Prince of Ravens (The Exile Trilogy Book 1)
Ferryl Shayde - Book 4 - Storm and Steel
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