Te’mar and the Immortals, tells of one man’s quest to find the Stone of Immortality, and his love for Re’na, the maker of his dreams.
Enter a world where everything is not as it seems. ‘To be in that world where time has no meaning, where light cannot escape, this is the void that we can end up in, this world where we are stuck in the forever now.
You will live forever in this world; living or dying is an abstract thought. Hover between the here and now, to live in that endless void, not to breath, but just be until the end of time, what thoughts would manifest in your mind.
What part of reality would you hope to live under, the ambitions of mankind is always to progress, further and further into the future, but just as slowly fading from ultimate reality’, and the voice echoed into eternity.
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, Book 1)
Ferryl Shayde - Book 8 - Apprentices, Adepts, and Ascension
Shattered Souls (The Shattered Trilogy Book 1)
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