
Free on 15th - 19th Jul 17
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If you’re struggling with co-dependency, spending a lot of time and effort focusing on your partner while neglecting your own needs, then this book is for you!

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Co-dependents are individuals who are addicted – not to harmful substances, but to a destructive pattern of relating to the people around them. The classic description of a co-dependent is a person who displays rescuing behavior which enables their partner’s irresponsible lifestyle. For example, rather than setting a limit, the co-dependent keeps bailing the other person out of the consequences of their bad choices. This phenomenon was initially studied by medical professionals in the marriages of alcoholics. They noticed that the spouses of alcoholics were often absorbed in trying to fix, rescue, or “save” their alcoholic partner, but that their efforts only made the problem worse. Of course the concept of co-dependency extends well beyond having an alcoholic partner. For example, if you find yourself constantly nagging your partner of his responsibilities, or if you find yourself constantly reminding your partner of appointments and other obligations, this is another form of co-dependency. If you believe that you are part of a co-dependent relationship, this book will guide you as you work towards overcoming co-dependency and eliminating controlling behavior while learning to feel fulfilled by your own life. This book can also help if you have a spouse, partner, or a friend who is co-dependent because you will learn to understand what drives their behavior, and how it can be modified. If you’re ready to commit to the change that’s required to turn the dynamics in your relationship around, then let’s get started!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What Exactly Is Co-dependent Behavior?Realizing Where It Stems FromRecognizing Childhood TraumaGaining New PerspectivesUnderstanding a Co-dependent PartnerMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

tags: codependency, codependent, codependent no more, codependent relationships, codependence, how to stop being controlling, stop being codependent, codependency no more, codependency treatment, am i codependent

Free on 15th - 19th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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