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Time travel meets magic, high fantasy and noir mystery in this irreverent rethinking of Arthurian legend. Philip Ashly, an adventurer who finds himself between jobs, is sent from his native twenty-first century to pre-Arthurian England and the sixth century by the magician Merlin. Merlin wants Philip to make sure Arthur, the legendary king-to-be, will pull the sword Excalibur from the stone, thus ensuring his reign and keeping history and legend intact. Along the way Philip meets Arthur?s sister Vivienne, Morgan the Shapeshifter, and young Arthur himself. But when Philip finds the sixth century, the sword Excalibur, and Prince Arthur and the Knights are not at all what he expected, he must make a decision. Should he should try to complete the task Merlin sent him to do? He must also consider what the consequences for history and time itself will be if he fails to complete his mission.