
Free on 18th - 22nd Jun 14
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The Mazer – a fantasy mystery story

A lonely island. An ancient manuscript. And a lust for power.

Twenty years have passed since the disappearance of Silva’s father, Zossimo. When Silva visits the sanctuary in Yewlith, she becomes convinced there is more to her father’s demise than she knows. Her quest to solve the mystery of Zossimo’s fate unravels a tale of thwarted ambition, murderous betrayal – and loyal friendship – among humans and trees alike.

For evil stirs on this island, where man and tree have lived in harmony for centuries.

At the Albatorium in Southernwood City, Legator Wystan calls an emergency meeting of the Session. The island’s trees are in danger; a convicted murderer has escaped; the citizens of Southernwood are out on the streets in protest. Challenged by his brother, Bassan, Wystan is ousted from power and the Session vote for a new Legator. But the election result comes as a shock to everyone.

Escape to the world of The Mazer – an unforgettable tale of an island, its people and trees, and the secret that binds them all together.

Free on 18th - 22nd Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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