The neanderthal diet, or Paleo Diet as modern day society has renamed it. The very popular modern day diet people are talking about. In this book you will learn what carbs and proteins are good for you and what are not. You will also learn about the Paleo way of life and how you can achive it. And also added are wholesome recipes you and your family can make that will keep you in shape and in the right direction. These points and many, many more….. So please buy and enjoy! THIS WILL BE THE BEST THING YOU HAVE DONE FOR YOUB AND YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY
Slow Cooker: Ketogenic Diet: 28 Ketogenic, Low Carb, Healthy, Delicious, Easy Recipes: Cooking and R...
KitchenAid Stand Mixer Cookbook for Beginners 2024: Delicious and Homemade Recipes for Bread, Cookie...
PUERTO RICAN COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS 2024: Simple, Healthy, and Delicious Traditional Recipes for Aut...
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