
Free on 8th - 12th Jan 17
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100 Years have passed since The Great War. Only four of the once mighty Panids remain, The Panid’s Children have become myth and The Field’s Cap limits the ability of The Orders and their Talents. But the past has not been fully laid to rest.

From the start Jenna and Aaron’s apprenticeship to The Naddier Order doesn’t go well. Their mentors Carrick, Gwen and The Panid Kelim find themselves caught up in a struggle to keep Jenna safe as the remaining Panid’s Children, driven by ‘The Whispers’, surface from hiding to attempt her capture.

Their lives are further complicated by the disgraced Talent Naicarn, sent by ‘The Whispers’ on a journey with devastating and far-reaching implications, and the deluded UruIldran Emperor Segat, who drags the south into a second Great War fought by Talents and the once redundant technology of powder weapons.

With events spiralling out of control, Carrick and Gwen struggle to keep Jenna and Aaron safe, form new alliances and fight a war 100 years of peace has ill prepared them for. As Segat’s unstoppable legions advance Kelim must seek out The Beholder to learn more about the return of The Panid’s Children, unravel the mystery of Naicarn’s quest and come to terms with revelations about his past and the disastrous legacy of The Panids.

Free on 8th - 12th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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