This book is part of the series “POPULAR PRESIDENT”. This piece of great historical relevance is inspired by the most popular of all the popular presidents – there are controversies. The book tells the turnaround in the life of a loser. The Part One of the series narrates the childhood of the focused being, of the human creature, until the initiation of his scholastic academical intellectual youth.Talently gifted, the homo sapiens in the book sees his hope vanishing as water draining between the hand of a tetradactyl. The Part Two takes care of his misadventures and disillusions making him think over change, hope and progress, the being becomes a politcal being. The Part Three is the part that elevates him to the pinnacle of glory as the first mandatary of the republic, his presidential agenda and the world aknowledgement: – That’s the man.
The Eye of Tanub (The Into Terratir Saga Book 1)
Incarnation: Wandering Stars Volume One
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