
Free on 7th - 9th Dec 23
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How much do you know about the healing power of chakras? The power of chakras is unleashed when you bring chakra routines, habits and rituals into your daily practice.

Perhaps you have some background knowledge of chakras, and that limited information you have has motivated you to learn more.

You are searching for a way to cleanse your energy and want to learn more about how chakra energy-healing techniques can balance your chakra.

Or maybe you know very little about the power of balancing your chakras, but you are searching for a holistic and natural way to heal yourself.

Regardless of your current knowledge level, The Power of Chakras is a must-read for anyone interested in healing through balancing their chakras.

This book is ideal for those who want an introduction to the incredible power of chakras and how to harness them to their benefit.

It will teach you all the basics about the seven important healing chakras and how they impact your energy levels and well-being.

For anyone who knows little about chakras and needs a book that explains them in great detail without all the unnecessary jargon, this is the perfect book for you.

Inside The Power of Chakras, discover:

Where the concept of chakras come from.The functions of chakras and their impact on your body’s wheel of energy.Everything you need to know about the seven-chakra system.Common myths and misconceptions that surround the concept of chakras.Healing techniques you can use to rebalance your chakras.

Don’t spend another minute living with a chakra imbalance.

Grab a copy of The Power of Chakras today!

Free on 7th - 9th Dec 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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