
Free on 4th - 8th Sep 24
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“Great resource for any amazon author. This is helping me navigate so much for a first-time author. Saves a ton of time doing research.” Jim Rowe – Marketing Strategy & Branding Expert.

Do you want a career as a successful author?

You may have worked out how to get your book published for free and launch it on the world’s biggest retailer platforms — but you still need to make people buy it. Which is not always so easy! There are a million blog posts recommending the latest book marketing tips and tricks, but where do you start? How do you find the real book marketing secrets?

The Self-Publishing Guru is a list of must-have tools for new authors. As established authors, we offer you the benefit of our experience in sharing the most efficient and cost-effective resources to develop your author platform. Not everyone can afford a publicist and self-publishing on a budget is a reality for most new authors. We hope this free self-publishing guide will help you.

Start developing your self-publishing empire with this list of the most effective resources available to authors.

What the reviews are saying:

“This e-book has step-by-step guidelines on how to self-publish on a budget as well as some free services that you can utilize from published authors. There are also suggestions and other ideas that will get you the best bang for your buck. And, there is no searching for what they are mentioning because they have courteously added in an active link. Even if you have a plan already, this is worth the read.”

“This book left a great imprint on me, and I will be using all of it’s resources, and now it has a safe space in my Kindle library. This is definitely worth the read, check it out if you have any presence online, because you can also apply what you learn from this book, into how to promote yourself, and for me that is a double win. Get the book, you will be impressed, it is a treasure trove….”

“Very useful in figuring out what self marketing involves before you even get started! And if you do decide to get started, there’s no doubt you should keep this guide handy from beginning to end. Works for both fiction and nonfiction.”

“If you are looking for digital or physical forms to publish your book without conventional or traditional processes then this book will assist you. An amazing way to get passive income and form a name for yourself in publications.”

Free on 4th - 8th Sep 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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