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“…the metaphysical adventures of Bartholomew Rabbit…”

“…an irresistible and intriguing adventure…”

“…a fine work of Visionary Fiction…”

“…The Alchemist meets The Hobbit, but with rabbits…”

” A homogeneous blend of Peter Rabbit and Alice in Wonderland, these stories are well worth the effort to really read them. They speak to any age and any level of enlightenment.”

Bartholomew the Adventurer Trilogy has 55 ratings on Goodreads and Amazon / 4.51 stars

The Bartholomew the Adventurer Trilogy is a story of spiritual transformation wrapped in a romping tale of adventure set in the far distant future after humans have vanished from the planet. The protagonist is a rather silly and self centered rabbit named Bartholomew who sets out in search of a missing object which he is unable to describe or name. Along the way he meets his adventuring companion, Oliver T. Rabbit, a brilliant scientist who also undergoes a deep transformation in the trilogy, coming to understand that there is no magic, only science, whether it’s time travel, parallel dimensions, manifesting physical objects with thoughts, or reincarnation. Their adventures take them to lost cities, parallel universes and other planets, along the way meeting a host of memorable characters including ancient robotic rabbits, the Tree of Eyes, the Singing Monks of Nirriim, the Blue Spectre, Edmund the Explorer, etc. By the end of the third book Bartholomew Rabbit has transformed into a fully awakened and enlightened being.

The Seventh Medallion

A Quintarian Science Guild survey ship makes a terrifying discovery on Thaumatar, home planet of the original World Door builders. Thunder sees a mysterious flickering white mouse on the Island of Blue Monks while Bartholomew and his trusted companions Edmund the Rabbiton and Oliver travel to the lost city of Cathne in search of Madam Beffy’s missing father. With help from Captain Mudgeon of the Quintarian Naval Armada and a six foot tall alien grasshopper name Hoppy, Clara, Thunder, and Lightning must find the six silver medallions hidden beneath shadowy Tenebra Military Prison on Betshannk Island. Together, Bartholomew and his entire crew of stalwart adventuring companions must solve the riddle of the impossibly powerful and deadly Black Sphere before it brings an end to their universe.

Free on 2nd - 3rd Jul 16
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