
Free on 22nd Nov 17
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Hello visitors!

My goal is to share what I have learned so far on my quest for a healthier lifestyle.

My discoveries have sickened me to say the least. A lot of toxins, pesticides, and fillers that are found in a lot of modern day products and foods lead to increased risk of various cancers and debilitating, often time deadly, diseases. Often time a doctor will prescribe a medicine to make unpleasant symptoms cease. It’s just a temporary fix and not actually addressing the root of the problem. Eating and living healthy is a lifestyle change that never ends and often time can reverse ailments that we otherwise would “need” medicine for. I have also progressed to using natural products for cleaning and as a beauty regimen. My skin has never been better.

In my my ebook, you will find very practical and useful tips to get you on your way to a more affordable and toxic-free lifestyle. Hundreds of uses for coconut oil, baking soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and more.

I wish to continue learning and transitioning, all on a budget, while sharing my acquired knowledge with someone who may find it helpful. If I can make the transition, trust me, anyone can. Blessings and great health to you all!

Free on 22nd Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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