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Free on 21st - 25th Sep 17
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This book is made especially for Instant Pot lovers, whether you are new to it or have been using it for quite a while. It provides amazing vegan recipes that will leave you and your loved ones satisfied for many days. News of the magic of the instant pot has spread around the world and we won’t be surprised if this is not the first time you are hearing about this amazing new kitchen helper. Out vegan recipes have been carefully selected to ensure that you get the best of nourishment and tasty goodness without having to worry about your health.
This book has been divided into sections consisting; burgers, patties and savory cakes; soups; desserts and vegetables and the recipes have proven to leave a smile on the faces of those who attempt them for the first time.
The recipes travel across many regions and continents of the world including Asia, America, Africa and Europe. Wherever you are from, you are sure to enjoy these recipes and pick many of them as your favorites.
Cooking has never been so easy! The effectiveness and efficiency of the instant pot combined with the delicious goodness of these recipes made an incredible combination.
In this book, you learn about the name of the recipes, the ingredients, the methods of preparation and direction, and you also get our professional opinion on them.
Directions on how to use the instant pot are also given to ensure that you have a smooth first experience.

So why not go ahead and try one of these recipes a day? Enjoy!

Free on 21st - 25th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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