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vigor&belle presents our ?Vegan Slow Cooker: Cookbook & Guide? for just $2.99 today! Regular price $4.99. Compatible to read on your kindle device, tablet, phone or computer.

vigor&belle is a lifestyle brand for healthy eating and beauty that can change the way you live your life. Why go vegan? Most people assume that those who enjoy a vegan lifestyle do so for ethical reasons. But there is a lot more too turning vegan than simply saving the lives of animals. People often turn to a vegan diet because:
They want to lose weight
It’s thought that those who enjoy a vegan diet are likely to be approximately 20 pounds lighter than those who don’t (Particularly those who eat a lot of meat.) This is because a vegan diet isn’t very high in fat, which means you’re likely to lose weight when you first start the diet, and keep it off too.
They want to feel more energetic
Many foods that meat-eaters consume, can leave them feeling tired, and often quite bloated. A vegan diet is one that is full of fruits, vegetables, and other foods that will leave you feeling fuller and more energized for longer.
Ethical reasons
Make no mistake, animals that have been bred for the slaughter suffer. If just 1 person were to switch to a vegan diet today, more than 100 animals would be saved this year. Animals are often kept in nasty conditions, and they’re frequently slaughtered in an very inhumane way. If you believe that animals should not be treated like this, stop buying products that contain animal products and by-products. It’s that simple.
Health reasons
If you’re allergic to the antibiotics that are used on animals, then you’ll need to stop eating meat. You may also want to consider cutting out all meat-products, and dairy too. Even though some of these foods have been processed quite a bit, there could still be a few antibiotics in there. Stay safe and well by going vegan today.
It keeps your heart healthy
Vegans are a lot less likely to develop diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and other nasty health conditions. This is because we eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as more grains and pulses. What’s more is we’re not consuming meat, which means we’ll have none of that nasty fat that often comes with it.
You want to feed everyone
The sad fact is that keeping animals for meat takes up a lot more room than growing crops does. Did you know you could feed 1 family for a whole year by growing crops in 1 field? Did you know that you could feed family person for a whole year by keeping animals for meat in 3-4 fields? Imagine having 3-4 fields full of the animals that a family of meat eaters consume each year. Take that meat away, and you’ll have 3-4 fields that can now feed 3-4 families for a year, instead of 1. It makes complete sense, doesn’t it?

This Cookbook & Guide includes slow cooker recipes for soups, stews and chilis along with vegan recipes for breads, side dishes, snacks, appetizers and desserts to accompany those meals! Vegan cooking has never been so easy and delicious!

Vegan Slow Cooker: Cookbook & Guide includes:

Introduction to Vegan Eating & LifestyleVegan Slow Cooker Recipes for Soups & Stews Vegan Side Dish Recipes Vegan Breads Recipes Vegan Snack & Appetizer Recipes Vegan Dessert Recipes Don?t miss out! Download your copy today!

Free on 21st Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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