
Free on 5th - 7th May 24
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Dive into the alien world and alien cultures created by Writers of the Future winning author Patty Jansen. 

Her name is Jessica, but most people in the Australian country town where she lives call her “freak”. She casts webs of power, reading the feelings of animals and telling them what to do. Nobody knows what causes it, least of all her. 
One fateful day, her “web” connects with a stranger, and stray power causes the plane in which she’s travelling to crash in an alien world. An accident? The more she discovers about herself and the world in which she has landed, the more she doubts it. She finds out that she is a survivor from an ancient race that once travelled the stars. Her ancestors were powerful and dangerous, and it seems at least two people want her: the man at the other end of her “web”, and the man who’s desperate to help her get back home.  
Both claim they love her, and want only the best for her, but knowing nothing of the alien world, how does she know who to believe?

Free on 5th - 7th May 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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