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Finally, the book for people who want to lose weight in the real world where people go out drinking, salads are rubbish and gyms are boring

“It’s not that I’m fat, I’m just bigger than I’d like to be. I could do with losing a few kilos or pounds”

“I know I should exercise and I’ve put a bit of weight on recently, I just struggle to get motivated”

“I really hate the gym, and I like eating out. What can I do?”

Does this sounds like you? Because it sounds exactly like I used to. I have never been happy with my weight. I’ve never been huge, touching 14 stone (89kg, 196lb) on the scales at my peak. Not terrible for a 6”2’ guy in his late twenties but far more than I was comfortable with. I wasn’t going to be winning any modelling contracts any time soon.

Weight loss books are targeted at big people. They contain fad diets that work for two weeks before the real world kicks in, and exercise regimes that bore me into submission. This is not a sustainable way to live. I’ve tried many different ways of dieting and exercising, experimented with ideas and in the last year I have finally gotten to the point where I am happy with my weight and the way I look. I’ve managed to stay at this weight permanently using a simple set of actions which I have put into this book to try and help other people who just want to lose their belly and be a little bit fitter.

Best part? I still eat pizza, I still drink beer, and I’ve not been to the gym in over a year

In this book I will explain the tips and techniques that have worked so well for me. Every concept is practical and can be done by everyone whether you’re looking to lose 50 or 5 pounds.

By reading this book you will:

Get and stay motivated on your goals.

Learn to love exercise (really!), no gyms involved.

Understand how to diet without cutting out the foods you love.

and much much more. This book is packed with real, actionable ideas which are proven to work. There is no silver bullet, no simple answer to weight loss; anyone that tells you otherwise is wrong or lieing. However, if you want to learn how to make changes to your lifestyle to become healthier and fitter in realistic, small steps, this book is for you. You will not be making dramatic life changes, but instead small incremental improvements that fit in with the real world.

By looking to buy this book, you’ve taken the first step on the journey towards a happier, healthier you. You can preview the book using Amazon “look inside”, and with the kindle 7 day return & refund policy you have nothing to lose.

Hit download now and start your journey to the happier, thinner you.

Free on 22nd Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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