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After being orphaned at age six, sixteen-year-old Connelly Pierce—who has spent a decade, being passed from family to family, or as often no family at all, but always fighting for her very existence, her right to survive—has given up. Even worse, the system that has controlled her life for all those years is about to give up on her. But just before she is sent into long-term care at a California state mental hospital, a little miracle happens.

An intern at the clinic who has taken an interest in her finds an unopened letter at the bottom of Connelly’s raggedy old knapsack. The letter is from a distant cousin of Connelly’s named Elizabeth Walker, or Liz, who has recently lost her husband Jack, left behind a 57,000 acre ranch in Texas, and has since been looking for Connelly. The intern realizes this is the girl’s last chance. If Cousin Liz won’t help her, or if Connelly won’t accept that help, her life, in any normal sense, may be over. But what the intern doesn’t realize, is that calling that phone number he finds at the bottom of the letter is about to change two women’s lives, forever, in ways neither of them could ever have imagined.

Book Three of the Beautiful-Ugly Trilogy

Free on 24th - 28th Mar 14
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