
All Reviews

Isabella Rockwell's War - Book Cover Children, particularly those who can read it alone should love this, or it would make a great bedtime story read over several nights and even adults looking for a relaxing and easy read might find this enjoyable.
A Horse called September - Book Cover Ideal for children (especially girls or those who love horses) this would appeal to anyone living in a rural setting, or those who wish they were.
Prisoner's Dilemma - Book Cover This is a very short story, but sci-fi fans will enjoy it, but so will anyone who is fond of short stories, or psychology and dilemmas.
Angkor Wat & Cambodia Temples - Book Cover Despite great photographs and useful content, this useful tour guide gets a three sadly - the formatting and occasional spelling errors drop it from a four.
City of Wizards - Book Cover A short but enjoyable fantasy, in a unique world. Fantasy fans should look this out, as it promises to be the start of an original and entertaining series.
The Cure - Book Cover For an undemanding YA read it may do, but for a critical or enquiring mind and especially anyone with a knowledge of virology, the last section is painfully disappointing.
Wine-making: The Ultimate Guide to Making Wine at Home - Book Cover I would have given this book a higher rating if it had been titled the Beginners guide to making wine, because that it what it actually is.
Caversham House - Book Cover A touch long and dry but worth it, at least for the well-executed mystery being uncovered.
Inser - Book Cover a very enjoyable short read that most sci-fi fans will enjoy.
Time Heist - Book Cover a cyberpunk audience will love it. For general science fiction readers it will still appeal,
MZS: Philadelphia - Book Cover A bit of a mixed bag. While it was certainly good to read, the lack of background detracted from real enjoyment of the story.
10 Lost Inventions: That Might Have Changed The World As We Know It - Book Cover Trivia fans, geeks and those interested in technology or engineering should all find something new in this book.
Astronomy: Astronomy For Beginners: Discover The Amazing Truth About New Galaxies, Worm Holes, Black Holes And The Latest Discoveries In Astronomy - Book Cover This gets a one, not just for poor presentation but because it doesn't tell anyone enough to get started in astronomy.
Wallflower - Book Cover This is a short, but fairly average, teen revenge comedy.
3.a.m - Book Cover A great read, strong story and most readers will love this, but be aware that over half the book is made up of samples of other titles.
Black Bart is Dead: A Captain Finn Treasure Mystery (Book 2) - Book Cover mystery readers should enjoy this. It is a classic isolated group mystery, no help, no outside assistance, and intelligence alone used to solve the puzzle.
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