
All Reviews

Astronomy: Astronomy For Beginners: Discover The Amazing Truth About New Galaxies, Worm Holes, Black Holes And The Latest Discoveries In Astronomy - Book Cover This gets a one, not just for poor presentation but because it doesn't tell anyone enough to get started in astronomy.
Wallflower - Book Cover This is a short, but fairly average, teen revenge comedy.
3.a.m - Book Cover A great read, strong story and most readers will love this, but be aware that over half the book is made up of samples of other titles.
Black Bart is Dead: A Captain Finn Treasure Mystery (Book 2) - Book Cover mystery readers should enjoy this. It is a classic isolated group mystery, no help, no outside assistance, and intelligence alone used to solve the puzzle.
The Winter Freak Show - Book Cover ...a gem of a story. This is perfect for children, and enjoyable at any age.
TIGER: Shaolin Darkness Thriller - Review - Book Cover Anyone who has watched Hong Kong action movies, Golden Harvest or the later 80's films...will love this book.
Tethered Twins - Book Cover This intriguing sci-fi thriller is good for any reader, but science fiction and even thriller fans should definitely pick this up.
Stevie Rump and the Sea Witches of Glendowwer - Book Cover Beautifully imaginative but dreadfully punctuated, the lack of proofing is a real shame in a story this good.
Seventeen Shades of Love - Book Cover A collection providing an interesting set of ideas for someone to consider which shades of love they may have encountered in their life.
Scraps - Book Cover There are some entrancing ideas here, and a pleasant, if short, read.
London Travel Guide: A Quick Start London Travel Guide - Book Cover There are typos, varying capitalisation, and grammar issues and these unfortunately persist throughout the book. I would be annoyed if I had paid money for this book.
Microcosmia - Book Cover Action adventure in the grain of Wilbur Smith, well written and hard to put down.
Crocodiles: Amazing Animal Kingdom Series - Book Cover As a starter book, I would recommend it to almost anyone and there are several others that are also worth checking out.
Boy and the Very Lonely Pony - Book Cover For the 4-6 age ranges, this is a lovely little book...with full colour illustrations reminiscent of The Snowman.
IT Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Along the Bumpy Road of Rural Life - Book Cover Don't expect funny animal stories, as this is closer to a journal of events on a working farm.
Poetic Trenches (Brine Rights Book 3) - Book Cover Competently presented, handling difficult topics, and generally well-written, the only flaw in this collection is that there is nothing new here.
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