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You are viewing reviews with a rating of Unrated. (Page 1)
Show all by Rating: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, Unrated, DNF
Adrift (Callisto Series – Book 1)
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"For anyone looking for soft sci-fi, rayguns and pulp style adventure, this one could be enjoyable. Just be aware it's a serial and you'll need all the parts to get the full story."
Ashley’s Gift: A Story of Loss and Self-Forgiveness
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"This is mis-lit at its finest."
The Ultimate Guide To Increasing Your Productivity: Get More Things Done In Your Life Within The Next Thirty Days and Onwards (How to be more productive, … organisation, productivity tips,)
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"It is very short, some of the advice is repeated, in sometimes unusual english, and most of the advice is available free online."
London Travel Guide: A Quick Start London Travel Guide
(Review by Londoner)
Rating: Unrated
"There are typos, varying capitalisation, and grammar issues and these unfortunately persist throughout the book. I would be annoyed if I had paid money for this book."
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"This is a short, but fairly average, teen revenge comedy."
The Seven Wonders of My World
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"Significant formatting issues made it very difficult to read this nicely-illustrated children's book."
Pretty Please Princess Polly
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"Unreadable as the content fails to load on Kindle and wants to know if I have an iPad. No warning given prior to purchase."
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"Unrated (DNF?) with a sense of utter bemusement. I'm not sure I ever found the story in this"
The Christmas Angels
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"The sentiments may be appreciated, but the formatting, grammar, and layout are not. Please get an editor or proof-reader. "
Why won’t Horace come out to play?
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"I can't give it a high rating because of the spelling errors and in a book this short, those should be fixed."
The Railway Murderer
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"In some ways I feel as though I've just read the draft notes for a true crime book, unproofed and not yet fleshed out"
Emily Breaks Free
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"It might be great read with mum and dad, but mum and dad are going to need a magnifying glass. "
Stories to Creep You Out Until Dawn
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"definitely and undeniably well-written, didn't really engage me."
Ubiquitous Aspirations (The Lost Stories Book 1)
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"While the ideas were intriguing enough to keep me reading because I honestly didn’t know where the story was going, I probably would not be very happy if I had paid for this book."
under the influence
(Review by RhymeHunter)
Rating: Unrated
" A talented - and adult-themed - writer, but the formatting lets this book and the poems inside it down so badly they are almost unreadable, and that is a very great shame."
Happy Engines Back at Work
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"" The description reminded me of ""Thomas the Tank engine."" Then I saw the first page illustrations, making this very hard to rate on its own merits.""
The Butterfly: A Short Story of Life, Mystery, and the Impossibility of Endings
(Review by Angel)
Rating: Unrated
"A man watches a butterfly fluttering around a room and ponders the meaning of life. "
Battling Brooke: Chapter Two
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
" At five paragraphs long, I can't review this."
Mr Mars & Our Boy: Marley’s Story
(Review by Reader)
Rating: Unrated
"Due to the formatting and writing issues I cannot recommend it, but for those who knew Marley, it would make a good memorial."
The Silhouette In The Picture
(Review by Angel)
Rating: Unrated
"In honesty, I couldn't recommend it until it was given a good editing."