
News & Updates

It has been a very busy weekend on the technical front. Building on all the database work in November, we’ve now updated the Search so you can now search on ASIN, Author, or Exact Phrase. We’ve also updated the Reviews email to improve the way it handles third party reviews. They are now a lot […]

The sidebar cover images as a demo (using this weeks sponsor)

We’ve replaced OIOPublisher and RiotAds with a simpler solution. There are now three spaces in the sidebar for cover images and titles, which can take a maximum of six books on rotation. The charge is $5 to have your book there for one calendar month. All users have to submit is name, ASIN, and email. […]

The site upgrades are underway, and this is just a general update on progress. We have ended our association with RiotAds, due to the ongoing video problems, and the ads have been removed from the site. There has been an immediate increase in traffic of around 10%, so it seems the site really was breaking […]

An update on our changes: We’re looking at moving to Aweber to handle our email lists. As their solution offers everything we need it should be simple to use, and payment is subscriber-based not per-email resulting in a significant cost saving. We’re now on patreon, as you might have noticed from Twitter. Sponsorships starts at […]

We have a few new site updates to deal with coming up, so we thought we’d give people some warning. We’ve already made a few changes you might notice: Long Term Free ebooks are now checked when they drop out of Free. If they return to it inside a week, they’ll be listed on the […]

You may have noticed a few site slowdowns over the last couple of months. This is due to the really unexpectedly high growth of the site. Last month we upgraded our server to double the amount of memory, which we thought would solve the problem, but it rapidly returned. This Friday we found that the […]

We’ve been contacted by more than a few authors and readers somewhat upset at the end of the newspaper column. While we have reached out to other papers, syndicates, and possible sponsors, nothing is likely to come in in time to run an August column, which we would have to file by 15th July. Given […]

The Caterham & District Independent July edition has come out, containing our ebook review column. This month we’re on p4 again. Five ebooks and five authors are featured, the pick of the last few months: “Confection Connection” by Liz Lund – A romance and mystery with a nice degree of humor. “A Healing Hug for […]

The Caterham and District Independent for June has been released. This month we’re on page 4 at the bottom. The books featured are: “Tall Tales from a Short Buying Agent” by Tracey Kellett (Memoirs) “The Complete Guide to Screenwriting for Children’s Film & Television” by Motti Aviram (Non-Fiction) “More than Even” by George Helman (Thriller) […]

The new EU Vat laws are causing a significant problem for authors, artists, and many other small businesses including unfortunately, this website. Basically if you sell to EU consumers you have to pay VAT in their country instead of your own, and there is no VAT threshold. We’ve already heard from authors suspending releases until […]

Due to the increasing number of subscribers and our email limits, we are going to have to make a change to the emails. From now on if a user hasn’t opened the Personalised Free eBooks email in three months but are reading the weekly reviews, we will remove them from the Free eBooks list, sending […]

The Caterham and District Independent for May has been released. This month we’re on page 4 at the bottom. The books featured are: “A Horse called September” by Anne Digby (Childrens/YA) “Rhapsody in Black” by Michelle Grahame (Romance) “Scottish Highland Games” by Gary Mckraken (Non-fiction) “Lies we will tell Ourselves” by Andrew Knighton (Science fiction) […]

The April newspaper reviews are out. This month we are on the top corner of page 5, so don’t look in the normal place. We’ve featured five books this month. “Anna” by Joseph McCluskey (Thriller) “Looking through Lace” by Ruth Nestvold (Science fiction) “I am Ella. Buy me.” by Joan Ellis (Contemporary Drama/Romance) “Kung Fu […]

Good news: We’ve been accepted by the Riot Ad Network! As a network focusing on readers, the ads should be more relevant to visitors, but it should also give us a bit more stability – and a bit more time to read! There are more details about them here, but as they focus on creatives […]

Because of VATMOSS rules we’ve confirmed we cannot offer the sponsored book feature after June, or run OIO Publisher. As you can imagine this will cut the site’s funding a great deal. Basically UK online businesses are virtually barred from selling direct: Paypal does not collect the data that would allow us to stay inside […]

You might have noticed we’ve revised our advertising page. Unfortunately, while the new server is wonderful and fast and many other good things, it is also cutting into club funds and the site needs to pay for its hosting. As we don’t accept pay for reviews, and we don’t use affiliate links for books, we’ve […]

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