
News & Updates

In the last week of February, for the first time since the site went live, we experienced downtime. This was due to issues with our webhost, and required some assistance from a local IT firm to get it fixed. Given that, and the increasing traffic, we decided to bite the bullet and upgrade. On Sunday […]

This morning we received our copy of the Caterham and District Independent for March 2015, with our second reviews column. We’re in the same place at the top of p6, so it should be easy for readers to find us. If you don’t get the paper, you can read the column here. This month we’ve […]

For the last couple of days the site has been erratic. We would like to apologise to all our readers for any inconvenience, and to the authors who notified us that they could not submit their books. If this happens again, please tell us so we can fix it. This happened because the web-host changed […]

BookAngel App front page

Our first seven days of user data have come back, and it has certainly been intriguing. We honestly did not have any idea how many people were hitting the site with mobiles. Now the site is not really designed for mobiles, so we may end up making a few improvements to help the user experience. […]

We’ve added a new feature to the site: a little orange box on the content pages  where users can vote on content. Users can now click an Up or Down button on a book’s page if they think the book is good, or on a review page if they think the review is useful. After […]

Bookangel reviews in Caterham and District Advertiser

We have submitted the newspaper reviews for March to the paper. This month, like last month we managed to fit five reviews in, and the authors have been emailed so they have some warning before the paper comes out. We’ll leave it up to the authors whether they want to mention it before the paper […]

Caterham and District Independent - February edition

The Caterham and District Independent newspaper, February edition, no. 105, came out yesterday and we got our copies this morning. As you can imagine, the club was buzzing, and certain out of area members phoned round to find their nearest copies! We are very happy with the result. The reviews are on page 6 at […]

16th January 2015 We’re now sending our emails through Sendgrid, as the bandwidth was a little much for our servers. With this extra infrastructure, we have added a new “Books by Genre” daily email. By default, when you sign up, you are subscribed to “All Fiction”, but by clicking the profile link in your email […]

16th December 2014 ANNOUNCEMENT – We have made arrangements with a local newspaper to show 3-5 of our reviews per month. With a readership estimated at 45,000, we hope this will give books a chance to reach new readers. This will be running as a trial in the Feb, Mar and Apr issues, but depending […]

14th December We have made several updates to the site, including fixing a glitch with cover images that hide them on certain browsers, releasing our reviews in a free monthly magazine, and working on handling duplicate entries and book updates. ebk.link has been successfully launched, although we are looking at adding new functions to it. […]

7th October 2014 We have made substantial changes to the site in the past few weeks. Several new features are now available: Sponsor the Site – a $5 feature for one book a week to promote the site Improved search – searching by length and relevance is now available. Some browsers will also support our […]

20th September 2014 You may notice that bookangel.co.uk is getting a few new features and updates between now and October. When bookangel.co.uk was originally built, it was our club site. We expected it to take between four and six e-books a day.  It is now featuring nearly a hundred. The original pinboard system broke when […]

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