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You are viewing reviews with a rating of 4. (Page 12)
  • Vicky vs. The SprigganVicky vs. The Spriggan
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A solid horror read and straddles the border nicely between outright horror and teen paranormal."
  • Fear of FallingFear of Falling
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " It's an enjoyable tale of a ski centre and the people who work there along with some of the trials they face in the personal and working lives."
  • Daughter of Kali: AwakeningDaughter of Kali: Awakening
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " a really fun read with an excellent take on the genre"
  • The Gingerbread HouseThe Gingerbread House
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " an excellent little book to pick up to get young children in the mood for Christmas"
  • TwistedTwisted
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " An excellent set of short spooky tales ideal for a quick read or to be savoured over several coffee breaks."
  • Bee our GuestBee our Guest
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " Light, witty and romantic, this is worth picking up to put a smile on your face and a little bit of love in your life."
  • The Kingdom of GrapeThe Kingdom of Grape
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A fun, light, story that should give younger children something to read."
  • Punished by SilencePunished by Silence
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A good, quick, read with a neat explanation at the end."
  • The Girl with Three EyesThe Girl with Three Eyes
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A dark short horror story, but worth picking up for a read"
  • Daughter of PoseidonDaughter of Poseidon
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A pleasure for any fan of the YA Fantasy genre"
  • Vodka and SpiritsVodka and Spirits
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A well-constructed ghost story which builds up the tension until the end"
  • Before I FadeBefore I Fade
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " an excellent short sci-fi story for anyone who is a fan of the genre"
  • The Quest for the Holy HummusThe Quest for the Holy Hummus
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    " For those who enjoy satirical or farcical humour, or comedic reads, this is a must."
  • Jane Carter of Earth and the Rescue that Never wasJane Carter of Earth and the Rescue that Never was
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " An enjoyable short, that plays with sci-fi tropes and leads cleverly into the main novel"
  • Indigo’s hair storyIndigo’s hair story
    (Review by Reader)
    Rating: 4
    "a lovely little story about Indigo adapting to losing her hair with the love and support of her family, pitched at a perfect level for children."
  • FlushedFlushed
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " An amusing short story of an absurd situation spiralling out of control."
  • PaydayPayday
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " An interesting take of where countries may go in the future"
  • Zombie ContagionZombie Contagion
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " A zombie novella that expands on the world it is set in, while still telling it's own story."
  • The ShelterThe Shelter
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " a well crafted short set in a bleak near-future dystopia"
  • BurnBurn
    (Review by Angel)
    Rating: 4
    " An enjoyable read, especially for fans of the genre"