
All Reviews

Kerlan’s Light - Book Cover An average fantasy novel, mainly for fans of the genre looking for a quick read
The Kingdom of Grape - Book Cover A fun, light, story that should give younger children something to read.
Dread: The Mountain Asylum - Book Cover An interesting mix of horror, which makes for a fun hour of reading.
Ticket to Tulsa - Book Cover A good book to get a feel for the writer's style and understand the setting for the main novel
Bee our Guest - Book Cover Light, witty and romantic, this is worth picking up to put a smile on your face and a little bit of love in your life.
Twisted - Book Cover An excellent set of short spooky tales ideal for a quick read or to be savoured over several coffee breaks.
Masquerade - Book Cover looking for a new P.I. mystery story to read, this is certainly worth a read
The Ghost of Scarside Beck - Book Cover after a strong and interesting start, it does not seem to know how best to wring the horror out of the situation
The Gingerbread House - Book Cover an excellent little book to pick up to get young children in the mood for Christmas
The Instrument - Book Cover a horror story that dwells on the impact of a bargain struck and looks into the horrific future that it brings
Daughter of Kali: Awakening - Book Cover a really fun read with an excellent take on the genre
At the Kingdoms’ Fold - Book Cover One only for fans of the genre
Fear of Falling - Book Cover It's an enjoyable tale of a ski centre and the people who work there along with some of the trials they face in the personal and working lives.
Memoirs of a 20th Century Gentleman: Innoncence - Book Cover A fictional autobiography with pearls of wisdom.
Vicky vs. The Spriggan - Book Cover A solid horror read and straddles the border nicely between outright horror and teen paranormal.
Diamond, Glass and Ice - Book Cover A difficult book to read for the story of the grooming and abuse of a young girl.
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