
All Reviews

The Christmas Gift - Book Cover An unseasonal story perhaps and yet still absolutely hilarious.
Emily Breaks Free - Book Cover It might be great read with mum and dad, but mum and dad are going to need a magnifying glass.
Undaunted - Book Cover This ebook would probably be useful and interesting to younger readers, teens and older children, as a quick and easy to read resource about events in World War Two
Her Sapphire Eyes - Book Cover a short, well-written thriller and those looking for more prurient detail will find themselves disappointed.
The Trinket Box - Book Cover The writing is excellent, conveying the horror of the situation, and the characters, thought briefly introduced, are conveyed well, each one playing a little extra role in the life of the elderly gentleman.
The Planet of the Last Judgment - Book Cover A fast sci-fi action short story, with some neat twists. The problem is that what it does, it does well, but what it does has been done better before.
Old World (Green and Pleasant Land) - Book Cover Horror fans will love it, it is a hell of a ride. Others should approach with caution. Good taste, decency, and cutting away at the last moment, are totally absent.
The Day Bob Greeley Died - Book Cover A thought-provoking and carefully written short story that readers of drama and suspense fiction will enjoy, as will anyone who likes good writing.
Jack Ryder mysteries. Vol 1-2 - Book Cover strong characters with good character progression through both books, and some complex and well-woven plots mean these are stories mystery readers will enjoy, as long as they can handle multiple plot threads and non-linear storytelling.
Prime Suspect - Book Cover While it has the basis of a good idea, I think this book badly needed a polish.
Malala's mission for the world - Book Cover This is a book I would highly recommend for children whether read alone or with their parents.
Easy R Programming for Beginners - Book Cover R may be a great language, but this book is not a good resource to learn it from.
The Joker - Book Cover As a taster of the author's writing and a character piece it is great, but there's not a lot here for readers otherwise.
Annie's Revenge - Book Cover Overall, it has a lot of promise but lacks polish. her later works may be far stronger and might be a better place to start.
Goldfields - Book Cover An excellent and chilling short story for lovers of ghost stories and quiet horror.
Dreams of a Day Sleeper - Book Cover Chicklit readers should enjoy it: it has light medical drama, some romance problems before she finds the right man, and some career problems all coming together in a happy ending.
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