Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Sci-fi romance readers will probably love it as the best of both worlds!
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 2

I'm not sure who the audience would be for this work, but it is definitely hindered by the grammar and spelling issues.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

As part of a whole series, there's also plenty here to keep children hooked, and encourage them to read.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 2

while it is a sensitive memoir of an upsetting event, the typos and contradictions do mean I would be hesitant about recommending it. For anyone involved with the Save Bella facebook page and campaign, this would be a nice memoir and reminder.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

For anyone not familiar with the way local government works, or looking to get into politics, this is a must-read.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

YA fantasy readers will probably love it. It is an interesting world, an open and straight-forward writing style, and a teen lead dealing with some very heavy issues.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

Action fans and thriller readers should give this tense thriller a look...although they might want to start with the first book in the series not the fourth to avoid spoilers!
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: Unrated

I can't give it a high rating because of the spelling errors and in a book this short, those should be fixed.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

What started as a fish-out-of-water story quickly evolves into something far more. Fantasy and YA readers should definitely pick this up.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: DNF

Did not finish - even though I really wanted to. This is a fascinating read, with some gorgeous photographs, but trying to read it was killing my eyes.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

This is an exciting, intriguing, and thrilling book with twists and turns that are unexpected but all too believable. Dear author: please write another one like this.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

a fairly standard entry into the Monster/horror genre, but might be of interest to anyone trying to get a feel for the author's writing.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Readers of Young Adult, fantasy and even paranormal or romance fans will find something to like here, but so will anyone who likes a light, enjoyable read.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Recommended to lit-fic readers and those who enjoy character drama...evocative without becoming overblown. Read sparingly for best effect.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

This is definitely a direct humour style, and there's little subtle about it, so if you love that sort of writing this will appeal.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 2

There's a gem of a story trying to get out here, but it needs better formatting, proofing, and frankly an editor