Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 2

a Halloween-themed version of "Old MacDonald had a Farm"'s short, simple, and there really isn't very much to it.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 1

it is extremely short (32 pages) and you can find similar articles in far greater detail available freely online...
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Well-written and exciting, the novella sets up great things for a sequel, and is a good read in its own right.
Reviewed by RhymeHunter
Rating: 3

The Witch's Hat is a charming, rhyming, children's book with a creepy story - ideal for Halloween and children who like scares.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

"...a short story that will appeal to fans of pirates, particularly young adult readers."
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

...appeals to the occasional horror reader and to YA readers trying out the genre.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

It is easy to read, easy to follow, and fun.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 2.5

Fans of sci-fi, post-apocalyptic scenarios and young adult readers may enjoy this.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

The setup is a little slow, but the plot gets underway quickly and from then on the story is gripping.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 1

I came looking for a story, I left wanting a large double cheeseburger.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

There are sections of this book which I very nearly stood up and applauded.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

Comic fans, superhero fans, and readers who like justified thrashings should read this.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: Unrated

This is mis-lit at its finest.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

In some ways the attitude is similar to Ghostbusters or Men In Black - except in this case it's pixies, not ghosts or aliens.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Well plotted, and with a surprisingly poignant ending, this is a good book by any standard.
Reviewed by RhymeHunter
Rating: 3

There are several small gems in here that should appeal to most readers.