
All Reviews

Old MacDonald had a Haunted House - Book Cover a Halloween-themed version of "Old MacDonald had a Farm"...it's short, simple, and there really isn't very much to it.
Defeating Depression: A Natural Guide to Overcoming Depression, Fear, and How to Improve Your Quality of Life - Book Cover it is extremely short (32 pages) and you can find similar articles in far greater detail available freely online...
131 Days (Book 1) - Book Cover Well-written and exciting, the novella sets up great things for a sequel, and is a good read in its own right.
PICTURE THIS #1: ( A Witch The Witch's Hat is a charming, rhyming, children's book with a creepy story - ideal for Halloween and children who like scares.
A Pirate's Honor (A Jake Hawking Short Adventure Book 1) - Book Cover "...a short story that will appeal to fans of pirates, particularly young adult readers."
Stuff of Nightmares - Book Cover ...appeals to the occasional horror reader and to YA readers trying out the genre.
Fat Cat Bedtime Stories: Settle in and follow the adventures of Fat Cat (Fat Cat Books 1, 2, & 3) - Book Cover It is easy to read, easy to follow, and fun.
Project Firebird - Book Cover Fans of sci-fi, post-apocalyptic scenarios and young adult readers may enjoy this.
Collateral Damage – Red Flag: China Invades Taiwan - Book Cover The setup is a little slow, but the plot gets underway quickly and from then on the story is gripping.
The Divide - Book Cover I came looking for a story, I left wanting a large double cheeseburger.
How to be a Gentleman: What Every Modern Man Needs to Know about Manners and Behaviors to Attract Women Now - Book Cover There are sections of this book which I very nearly stood up and applauded.
Hero’s Break (Wrong Place, Wrong Time Book 1) - Book Cover Comic fans, superhero fans, and readers who like justified thrashings should read this.
Ashley's Gift: A Story of Loss and Self-Forgiveness - Book Cover This is mis-lit at its finest.
The Trouble With Pixies (Edinburgh Elementals Book 1) - Book Cover In some ways the attitude is similar to Ghostbusters or Men In Black - except in this case it's pixies, not ghosts or aliens.
Jump When Ready - Book Cover Well plotted, and with a surprisingly poignant ending, this is a good book by any standard.
A Book of Poetry for Young Adults: Book of Poems - Book Cover There are several small gems in here that should appeal to most readers.
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