
All Reviews

The Human Fish - Book Cover Highly recommended for a 15 minute coffee break read.
Recruited - Book Cover A disappointing prequel with a poor lead but good background. For fans of the genre only.
Clydebank Blitz - Book Cover An excellent short story set during the worst attack on Scotland from WWII.
Murder from the Newsdesk - Book Cover A concise collection of criminally clever comedy capers.
Anais of Brightshire - Book Cover A short enjoyable fantasy, with a lot of promise for the rest of the series.
The Yoga Teacher in New York - Book Cover

Neelakantha, a Yoga teacher for a small community, a is newly arrived in America,with grand ideas of being able to teach the west understanding of yoga and its principles and to make his life there. Sponsored by a localbusinessman, Dr Bannerjee, he sets up a temple and workshop and begins classes for those around him […]

Bad Advice - Book Cover

Ruby Marquis is a Samaritan and agony aunt columnist known for being blunt with the people asking for help. Inspector Scott is a high flyingcareer policeman groomed for a role at the top. Invited to a party by Diane, Ruby’s colleague and Scott’s cousin, they find an instant attraction andstart dating. At the same time […]

The Tooth Fairy Trap - Book Cover

Trying to catch Santa has been a pastime for many, many, children over many, many, years. Gavin has a new spin on it: aftertwo weeks of wiggling his tooth has finally fallen out, and now he can try to catch the Tooth Fairy. I can’t fault the formatting, which is clearly laid out with large […]

Hear Me - Book Cover

Married couple Joana and Goncalo are mourning the death of their daughter. While they drift apart, rarely speaking to each other, Goncalo suddenly hears a ghostly voice. Transfixed by it, he decides to try and record it believing the sounds to be a message coming from their dead daughter. But when he tries to get […]

Sweet-Pea's Thief - Book Cover A riveting fantasy read
Saliva - Book Cover An interesting, if gruesome, stalker horror, with a good twist at the end.
Forsaken Prince - Book Cover A normal kid finds he is a missing prince.
Ebba, the first Easter Hare - Book Cover Overall, an interesting children's story despite being slightly difficult to follow.
The Nursing Home - Book Cover Non-linear and stylishly written, this is a definite literary read, for those who like their stories character-based. Touching, sometimes sad, and grimly inevitable.
Cinder Ellie - Book Cover As an introduction to the Faraway Castle resort, this short story is a good taster for fantasy or paranormal readers - and hints at a budding fairytale romance.
Ride Tall, Hang High - Book Cover Older readers might find this cliché, younger ones might prefer trope-tastic, but for Western readers it hits every note right.
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