It is more suspense thriller than police procedural, but would appeal to readers of either genre. Crime readers won’t regret taking time out to read it, but it is probably not for action fans, more for suspense readers.
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Action fans may enjoy it, but there's nothing here to really raise it above the average action story.
Fantasy readers who don't mind explicit content will probably enjoy this, but don't get it for children.
Readers of family epics or business intrigues might want to take a look at this. Romance and Women's Fiction readers should probably pick it up.
This may appeal to a speculative fiction crowd, but may struggle to find an audience. As time travel books go it is fairly standard, with a few nice twists.
Great for YA readers but also likely to hold the attention of older readers, this is a really good read
Thank you for brightening up my morning with a very unfortunate phrase. Now, please, please, get a proof-reader.
These are little more than introductory pieces, the style is a little dry and it feels like reading a school essay. There are some glaring errors and the Pirates' stories are less than half of the ebook
A lovely retelling of a classic tale with original characters and interesting twists.
Suitable for a wide range of readers, and almost all ages, this is a wonderful read that actually made me late for work because I could not put it down.
Mages, Dragons, damsels and a very different take on society, in a low-fantasy world where magic is traded as a drug? This was fun to read
Suspense and thriller fans will love this, but it might also be good for dystopian fiction readers and people following speculative fiction due to the low-key sci-fi elements.
One thing I don’t get is the cover though…
I skim-read after Chapter 3 for the sake of the review, but it never managed to catch and hold my attention. A good editor would work wonders.
An interesting piece of future history describing societal fall viewed through social media and, unusually, written in second person.
While the ideas were intriguing enough to keep me reading because I honestly didn’t know where the story was going, I probably would not be very happy if I had paid for this book.
With everything from strategy tips to interviews with designers, this is a packed book great for anyone who loves boardgames or wants to find something new to play.