
All Reviews

64 (Mike Gallagher Mystery Series Book 1) - Book Cover For American readers who want action scenes and republican politics, this would be good.
Shakespeare’s War on Women - Book Cover It is a short, free, read, but even at 5 pages it is unfortunately not something that I would consider informative, or even useful as an introduction to the topic.
Alien Hunter, Star Trooper - Book Cover ...for fans of schlocky sci-fi, this would be a good read.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Practical Guide to NLP - Book Cover a self-help book in the classic sense. It gives practical examples, future reading in NLP, and could be useful to anyone interested in the field or who wants to try the techniques
Looking through Lace - Book Cover I would highly recommend this novella to anyone who wants a thoughtful, intelligent Sci-Fi story which cleverly takes a position that everyone can relate to and neatly expands upon it.
What's Beyond the Gate? - Book Cover a short read, but the rampant spelling errors and grammar issues drop the rating.
Continuance - Book Cover Mystery, particularly historical mystery, and romance fans should enjoy this.
The Kraken: Part I - Book Cover Two interesting steampunk stories with well defined characters translated from the original Spanish
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Looking Back - Book Cover ...a fairly shallow read, not particularly easy to follow, and there are better sources out there.
The Gnomes of the Night - Book Cover A good children's book, with lovely artwork and a strong storyline.
Looking through Lace - Book Cover Absolutely incredible, five stars. ...this short story held me spellbound from start to finish. Then I turned to the front page and read it again.
A Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers: All About Caring, Grieving and Making Life Better - Book Cover An excellent resource to anyone coping with an Alzheimer's diagnosis in the family, or anyone who knows someone who is. Highly recommended.
Dinosaurs of the Inner Earth - Book Cover Two kids take a journey to a prehistoric land under the ground.
Muskie Attack (An Up North Adventure) - Book Cover Horror and action readers would like it, as should suspense readers or anyone looking for a fast, thrilling, and occasionally edge-of-your-seat read.
A Not So Wild Christmas - Book Cover An entertaining, enjoyable and above all well-written read for children of all ages, that will keep them quiet for hours.
In a Spider’s Web — a Jimmy “Soldier” Riley short story (Soldier Mysteries) - Book Cover Mystery readers, action, and detective fans should love this. Fans of the noir and hard-boiled genres should adore it.
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