Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Melissa and her twin children, Oliver and Emily, are living in a nightmare world. They make sure no light leaves the house as they settle in for the night. The last thing they do is to check in on Jake, who is lying ill in the bedroom. Shrouded in darkness, and handcuffed to the bed, […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
As his training as an elite warrior, a Shaigun, comes to an end, Bray finds that he has no role to go on to. Having put his past behind him, he watches his colleagues go off to apprentice for two Shadojaks, who are second only to the Emperor in the country. As there are no […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
You know you are in for something different when the title of the book has a clear mistake in it. I’m sure this review will now be as riddled with mistakes as the book is. Oh well, let’s dive in. Cleaning up his desk, Willy finds a photo and reminisces on it. 10 years ago, […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Esme Valentine runs a London brothel when one of her long time regulars is fine gruesomely murdered in one of the rooms. Shut down temporarily by the police, she starts to carry out her own investigation to find out what happened. The only clue she has is the word “Payback” written at the scene of […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Escaping from the world to somewhere new, Dracula muses on where he is now, his escape from being chased by Van Helsing and who his current host is. Heading into the throne room of the Wizard of Oz, he is met by the same apparition as Dorothy first did, with the same outcome when Dracula […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Jill Gooder is a P.I. having taken over her adoptive father’s business and currently down on her luck. Taking on a case to investigate a murder, she is even more surprised to be contacted by her dying mother whose final words are to call Jill a witch. While trying to understand why her mother was […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
With an ice storm approaching, Cassandra Drews is meeting up with he ex in a cafe when the lights go out. Shortly after, a car crashes through the front of the cafe and mayhem starts to unfold. It seems all electrical devices have stopped working and communications are down leaving everyone panicked over what might […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
In One More Tuesday, Josef wakes up on Tuesday morning, wondering how to approach Alice his nieghbour and haunted by the death of a pensioner and his dog killed by a street-car. And after they have died, he wakes up on Tuesday again to repeat it over again. He has lived the day so many […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Anika O’Brien’s husband, Rory, has been missing for two weeks leaving her and her son alone in their Mayfair house. When a ransom note is delivered to the police, Anika sees no other option than to pay it and hope for Rory’s return. While the police continue to try and track down what has happened, […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Calvin Bush is not enjoying his job, or for that matter his life in general. Although given a choice to accompany his friend Lisa to an exhibition of African Artefacts, he turns it down to accompany his friend Norman on a double date. When he realises who the ladies are, he declines to stay for […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Leaving her marriage behind after her husband’s affair, newly divorced Elisabeth looks to recover in South Africa with her friend Patricia. Locally to her is the Burger Wine Estate where John, long term friend and original love of her life, works on his family vineyard, with the rest of his family. John’s problem is that […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
When Oliver Green is fired from his retail job, he finds himself trying to rescue a woman from a dark alley. When he is knocked out, he comes around in a hospital owned by trillionaire Alastair Dickins, who has a unique offer to work for him. Alastair is part of a unique club called “The […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
After a bad day at work, Ava drops into a coffee shop where she meets Ryan. He buys her a coffee and they talk and finding a lot in common. When they discover a spark of passion between them, they decide to start a relationship. When they start their relationship, they find they have several […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Lyana, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, finds herself falling in love with a soldier, Dradge, who she had known in her childhood but who had moved away with his family. But while he is making his way up the ranks in the army, she is taking a more subversive line against the kingdom. In […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
Living in the grip of an ecological disaster, Pia Lamotte is one of the best biologists on the planet. For that reason alone she is being hired by Natocorp, who have a mission to send a group of specialists to Ceres, a large asteroid floating in space, and strip mine it for all the valuable […]
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: TBC
The last thing Richie was expecting to do was wake up. Finding himself fastened to a bed and in the care of Sierra whose role it is to guide newcomers to this particular afterlife where he discovers that everyone here arrived after they committed suicide. No-one knows why they go there, but everyone knows the […]