Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 3

a sweet, simple, story of life for an ageing dog who gets a second chance.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 3

Worth a read, if you like the Holmes stories and are looking for a quirky twist on the originals.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 4

It's a well written and enjoyable story and should appeal to more than just the fans of the genre.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 3

A book to enjoy reading for readings sake, especially at Christmas.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 4

An enjoyable children's book written with a whimsical sense of nonsense.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 3

a well-written story, let down only by the unexpected change of pace and tone half way through
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 2

While this is a wonderful look at Ghana, it's people and culture, the plot is sparse.
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 4

a fun series of shorts and an interesting taster
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 4

A story worth reading to children about littering and recycling
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 5

A wonderful story to inspire children with disabilities
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: 5

A wonderful story to inspire children with disabilities
Reviewed by Angel
Rating: Unrated

In honesty, I couldn't recommend it until it was given a good editing.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: Unrated

At five paragraphs long, I can't review this.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 5

A beautifully told and excellently researched tale of relationships and romance in the eighteenth century Chinese court. Flawless.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 4

Great for lovers of true crime and history mysteries, not so great for romantics, and ideal for historians.
Reviewed by Reader
Rating: 3

Anecdotes about dieting that are humorous but not enthralling