
All Reviews

The First Time - Book Cover A sharp story and worth reading for fans of the genre.
Traitor's Gate - Book Cover An enjoyable tale of vampires in the Middle Ages.
The Gift - Book Cover A heartwarming story of love and hope.
Cecile's Christmas Miracle - Book Cover A Christmas romance story, that is more about God's will and starts but doesn't really end.
Santa's Plump Tummy and Clever Lucy the Cat - Book Cover A simple Christmas tale for children.
Dinosaur Lake III:Infestation - Book Cover Good monster attacks, dinosaur issues, and pulp miltary action. Tanks vs. dinosaurs, and lots of gore.
Mr Mars & Our Boy: Marley's Story - Book Cover Due to the formatting and writing issues I cannot recommend it, but for those who knew Marley, it would make a good memorial.
A Knight's Quest for the Holy Grail - Book Cover

Woken by his trusty steed Percy, the good knight Lance rouses himself to go forth on an adventure to save his princess, the lovely Alexandra. Having encountered her as she walked to the university and smitten by her looks, he had followed her to make her acquaintance. Despite owning a dragon, Lance is not put […]

The Van Helsing Corp: A Blood-Stained Legacy - Book Cover A synopsis more than a story.
Love is for Tomorrow - Book Cover

Antoine and Kovac are two agents following a trail in Paris. Having apprehended a reporter who was passing news to a widow called Kerrie that they know.Deciding to track her down and prevent anyone from interfering with her. Knowing where she is likely to have gone, they find her sat in a cafe. While Kovac […]

Consoling Angel - Book Cover

Mira’s last year in New York has not been a happy one. Having lost her father to illness, she spends more of her days concentrating on her work than living her life. What they had shared together was a love of watching films with James Dean. After a phone call from he best friend taking […]

Sam’s Game - Book Cover

Five years ago, Donny put his friends Sam, Kenny, and Miles through a club challenge in a race from New York to California. Now, Sam is attending Kenny’s funeral and runs into Donny. While they are chatting, a lawyer representing Kenny approaches both of them with Kenny’s club challenge from beyond the grave. Kenny had […]

The Hitman - Book Cover

In Book 1 – Martina arrives home early and as she is unwinding the assassin pounces and starts to garotte her with a wire. Despite her struggles, he hoists her up, keeping control of what is happening and ensuring she is powerless to act against him. He takes his time to be professional and slowly […]

Jack Hansen – Small Man of the Big City - Book Cover

A series of vignettes about Jack as he has the day from hell, which also appears to be the same as every other day he is facing. Woken from a dream by his friend Gary and another conquest, he locks himself apartment. While rushing for the train, he ruins his clothes and has his watch […]

Partners - Book Cover

Detective Aurora Morelli has one thing on her mind: finding the rapist, Earl Rhondo, who assaulted her friend and partner. As her pregnant partner is now taking maternity leave, she is left looking for the villain alone. Receiving a call from one of her contacts, she heads off to find out what he knows, which […]

The Cross - Book Cover

In February 1971, the Ibrox disaster resulted i the deaths of sixty-six people, killed in a crush at one of the exits. But the repercussions were the desire for revenge between the two sets of fans regardlesss of whose fault it was. In one of the nearby hostelries, two brothers drank. Unrelated by blood, but […]

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